Nighttime Around Kelowna

The winter of 2014/2015 I have been determined not to be depressed by the lack of sunshine and short days so I made a decision back in the fall that I would use the time to learn more about nighttime photography.  Here are some of the shots that I took over the last couple of months.



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I find that with long exposures and a digital camera it is far easier to arrive at the proper exposure length than with film.  The digital sensor seems to be pretty linear so you can take a test shot at a wide aperture and then stop it down and increase the exposure length accordingly to get the longer exposure and the wider depth of field that you may want.



This photo of a modern junk was taken from the bow of a rather large car ferry as it was bearing down on the sailboat.  My telephoto isn’t quite powerful enough to see the scared look on the sailors’ faces but I’m sure it was there.  Technically sailboats do have the right of way over powered vessels however when there is such a size difference I think the ferry in practical terms has the right of way.  With just a minute or less to spare the sailboat was able to make a quick loop to avoid getting hit.

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I really like the red sails on this boat.  It’s not something you see on too many boats in Canada.


When were visiting Saltspring Island we got to see a display of working boats from the area and this one was in the dock.  Apparently it is the last working steam powered tugboat on the west coast.  It has a very interesting sound and unique whistles.

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